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Helping You Save
Energy and Money

EV Promotional Events



100% reimbursement of event expenses (up to $2,000) associated with an electric vehicle event when coordinated in partnership with your local electric utility.

  • Available to customers of NPPD’s wholesale utility customers, dealerships, and other community-based entities who would like to hold an event.  
  • Those interested must contact their local utility, who will work with NPPD to organize the event. Wholesale utility customers can also plan their own events with NPPD’s assistance.
  • Primary focus of the event must be promotion of electric vehicles (i.e. ride and drive events, dealership promotion of newly available electric vehicle models, home shows, etc.). Event may also include other local vendors showcasing electric/battery technologies such as, but not limited to, ATVs, UTVs, yard care, mowing equipment, etc.
  • Prior to event, wholesale utility customers should contact Kelly Beiermann to discuss:
    — Advertisement of event*
    — Marketing material needs*
    — Merchandise needs**
  • Preferred events and marketing spending reach the largest audience possible
  • Program will reimburse the costs the utility incurs for:
    — Advertisement of event
    — Marketing materials
    — Merchandise
    — Event location rental fees
    — Food and Drink***
  • Reimbursement costs will be reviewed with Kelly Beiermann, and eligible reimbursement entries will be made into NPPD’s Electric Vehicle Tracking System.

* Must include the GoEV logo
** Must contain the EnergyWise℠ logo
*** Alcohol will not be reimbursed

Additional Information
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